Sweet Things of Fall : Sweet Thoughts
Rosalyn's Pralines
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Sweet Things of Fall

by Rosalyn Clark on 10/14/15

Fall is in the air with its beautiful array of colors.  Brown, orange, and golden brown denoting change in nature to prepare for winter.  But let's enjoy this timely change of seasons and reflect on the natural course of nature,  and how it so deeply intertwines with our lives.  Yes, some grey days, which is the winter season, maybe evident to you right now, but reflect on what is happening right now in this season.  The sweet things of fall:  beautiful colors, the brisk fresh air especially here in
New Orleans--low humidity, and delicious foods with pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and of course not to mention the taste of New Orleans, chock-full of pecans, rich and creamy, Rosalyn's Pralines.  Just as nature's changes are reflected in the seasons, we can change for the better by reflecting on what does not change:  His grace, glory, and goodness given to us without our attainment or validation for it.  It was, is, and will always be given to us.  Every day is a new day.  Amen!  Enjoy the life that has been so graciously given to you.  

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